CCS is a non-biological means of mitigating our impact on the earth from carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. By preventing this greenhouse gas from entering the atmosphere, the climate impact of the power plant or industrial process in question is greatly reduced.
CCS is done by capturing emissions from stationary sources, liquefying it, and sending it into underground storage via pipeline for long periods of time. Early methods of mitigation included carbon sequestration where trees were used as carbon storage. Carbon capture and long-term storage is a relatively new science that still has many unanswered questions.
Equipment used in carbon capture must handle fluids with lean and rich solvents as well as water, across a range of temperatures. A range of solvents may be used, such as amines, ammonia, ethers or potassium carbonate.
Nordic Flow can offer pumps, valves, filters and other flow equipment to suit your needs.
Nordic Flow can offer a wide range of pump types and configurations making us an ideal supplier to offer complete miscellaneous or utility pump packages.
We work with a wide range of pump manufacturers and are experienced at selecting the right pumps for the right application. If you require assistance with design or pump selection, feel free to contact us. We are available for meetings, general discussions and pump selection courses for contractors and clients.
Pump can be selected in compliance to all applicable standards.
Nordic Flow can offer pump solutions for pumping and transfer of CO2. CO2 in liquid form can vary in temperature from cryogenic to ambient, dependant on the pressure.
We can offer pumps for all applications. For closed systems, we can offer single seal pumps where process media can leak to atmosphere. This means the pump has to be outside or in a ventilated area without operators. Liquid CO2 that leaks to atmosphere will react to form dry ice and CO2 gas, which can act as an asphyxiant.
If leakage to atmosphere shall be avoided, magnetic drive pumps or pressurized double mechanical seals can be used to avoid leakage. With a pressurized seal system, leakage of seal barrier fluid into the process media must be accepted. The use of water as barrier fluid should be avoided, as CO2 reacts with water to form hydrate solids. An inert synthetic oil or similar should be used as barrier fluid in these cases.
For injection of CO2 at higher pressures and capacities, Nordic Flow can offer BB3/BB5 type barrel pumps with a large range to suit your injection needs.
As also explained in the CO2 Transfer pump section, when working with a gas in liquid phase it is important to define leakage allowance. If CO2 leakage to atmosphere is acceptable, a single seal pump is sufficient. Reaction with water vapor will form dry ice and CO2 gas, but as long as the area around the pump is well ventilated and the operators can maintain distance to avoid asphyxiation, this is a viable solution.
If leakage to atmoshphere is to be avoided, a sealless application or a solution with double mechanical seals and a barrier fluid system is required. Sealless pumps include magnetic drive centrifugal pumps, plunger pumps or canned motor pumps. These are challenging to find in the size range necessary for injection purposes. Nordic Flow can provide magnetic drive barrel pumps, but these have few references.
For pumps with barrier fluid systems, Nordic Flow can provide BB3/BB5 pumps suitable for injection. With a barrier fluid system, client must accept leakage of barrier fluid into the process media. The use of water as barrier fluid should be avoided, as CO2 reacts with water to form hydrate solids. An inert synthetic oil or similar should be used as barrier fluid in these cases.